To create an industrial cluster based on innovative technologies and products.
Our team is ready to collaborate on all initiatives that will complement your activities and optimize your development.
The Pontiac Industrial park offers many advantages to support the development and ongoing operations of your business. The unique combination of the site's attributes provides compelling benefits for your business and provides a balance between commerce and nature in a quaint rural setting. Its access to low carbon/low cost power (sub C$0.04 /kw), and large volumes of cooling water, make the site ideal for large power users who also need high capacity cooling. Up to 100 MW of power is provided by Hydro-Quebec, a crown corporation that is very motivated to bring new business to Quebec. The site also offers access to millions of gallons of an average 10 degree Celsius (50-degree F) water per day. For businesses that require security – security of business continuity as well as site security – this location provides both, including an easy to isolate peninsular location.
The Province of Quebec offers several competitive tax schemes to incite businesses to set-up shop in the Pontiac region.
Lowest electricity rates in Canada
Direct power supply from nearby hydropower generating facility
Second hydropower facility located near to the site
Abundance of water
Millions of gallons/day of an average 50-degree cooling water
Annual average air temperature of 45 degrees
Drawn directly from the Ottawa River
Private waterfront property
Isolated site located on peninsula
Layout of site facilitates security
Low risk of natural disasters
Abundant natural ressources
The MRC Pontiac is approximately 13,850 km² and the productive forest area represents 78 % of the territory.
Bilingual population
French and English schools on the territory
54 % of the work force is bilingual
Universities and tech programs within a one-hour radius
High tech work force nearby
Proximity to strategic federal complexes
Litchfield industrial park is located with one hour radius to :
the Canadian Forces Base in Petawawa with approximately 6,000 people connected to the base and over 300 km2 of property;
The Canadian Nuclear Laboratories in Chalk River which represent the largest single complex within Canada’s science and technology infrastructure. The site includes the National Research Universal (NRU) reactor and more than 50 other unique facilities and laboratories.
Flexible zoning
The park is zoned heavy industrial and commercial and it is easily adaptable to your needs
A region with various potential
The Pontiac region has potential economic in various sectors such as agrifood, hemp, biomass.
Litchfield, Quebec
Our park is located halfway between Toronto and Montreal, only 90 minutes from Ottawa.
Accessible by both the Ontario and Quebec road networks, you can enjoy the proximity of the National Capital while benefiting from favorably priced infrastructure.